Individual Oral Presentation Schedule [List of individual presenters and their proposed presentation titles (with links to their recommended readings and presentation slides when available)]
- Session 2A (22 August 2011) - Technology, Society and Global Dominance (Economic, Military, Culture)
- Michelle Lo - Article : Globalization as a generator of cultural and economic hegemony
- Tan Chun Tsen - Article: New Technologies and Emerging Structures of Global Dominance
- Session 2B (22 August 2011) - Technology and Human Development
- Eugene Yeo - Article: Making Capitalism More Creative
- Damini Roy - Article: Using the Web to Track Deadly Diseases in Real Time
- Session 3A - Technology and Industrial Development: Moving Towards Sustainable Development
- Kam Hei - Article: Wal-Mart Top 10 Sustainability Projects Underscore Global Leadership
- Taralyn Yeo - Article: Uncertainty, Resource Exploitation and Conservation: Lessons from History
- Session 3B - Technology and Innovation Management
- Cheryl Long - Article: Jobs at Apple: Master Inventor, Master Marketer
- Yuan Ning - Article: Making P&G New and Improved
- Session 4A - Drivers of World Change
- Brian Li - Article: The Global Competitiveness Report 2010–2011
- Qian Hwee - Article: The World Food Situation: New Driving Forces and Required Actions
- Session 4B - Change Management and Change Leadership
- Chong Ji Qian - Article: Managing Generation Y
- Andrew Kyrgsman - Article: Obama's Change Management Report Card
- Session 5 - ICT and World Change (Mass Media, the Internet, Wireless, Interactive Telecommunications) Past, Present and Future
- Paula Tay - Article: Ford investigates creating a mobile data network using the cars themselves
- Goh Toh Xin - Article: Business Games as Strategic Team-Learning Environments in Telecommunication
- Wong Hui Qi - Article: Has the Mainstream Run Dry?
- Wesley Chan - Article: Data Mining: How Companies Now Know Everything About You
- Session 6 - The BioBusiness Revolution 1: Healthcare and Biomedical Sciences: Past, Present, Future
- Kelly Tan - Article: Attack of the Superbugs
- Lin Yukai - Article: Ethical Issues Concerned With Drug Delivery Applications
- Melissa Tian - Article: Genetic Engineering
- Joseph Jin - Article: Autonomous Advancing Micro-Robot
- Session 7 - The BioBusiness Revolution 2: Agriculture and the Environment: Past, Present, Future
- Gao Miao - Article: 20 questions on genetically modified foods
- Nureen Chan - Article: Aquaculture
- Jessie Choo - Article: The Problem with Factory Farm
- Yang Jia Jun - Article: Nanotechnology in Agriculture
- Jesse Quek - Article: Soft drink giants put new life into their containers
- Session 8 - Energy and World Change: Past, Present, Future
- Bai Zhipeng Darius - Article: The World of Free Energy
- Jeremy Lim - Article: The future of natural gas: Coming soon to a terminal near you
- Daniel Khoo - Article: Natural Capitalism
- Nigel Poo - Article: Britain To Burn Trash for Energy
- Session 9 - Emerging and Future Technologies
- Aashna Shaparia - Article: The Sixth Sense
- Chin Shi Xiao - Article: The Promise of Virtual Reality
- Ng Jia Hui - Article: Space-Based Solar Power
- Eileen Ng - Article: 3D-Printing
- Hazwan - Article: The Coming Superbrain
- Session 10 - Technology Assessment and Forecasting: Developing a Framework for Understanding What Comes Next
- Lee Yan Gen - Article: Technology Assessment in Social Context: The case for a new framework for assessing and shaping technological developments
- Jeanie Hue - Article: Forecasting the future or shaping it?
- Siew Lin - Article: Five Views of the Future
- Evelyn - Article: Assessing Nutritional Diversity in African Villages